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Electricity consumers to pay fines for illegal connection, meter by-pass - Voice of Nigeria Forum

Electricity consumers to pay fines for illegal connection, meter by-pass - Buzzyforum

Electricity consumers to pay fines for illegal connection, meter by-pass

Profile Picture by BishopNuel at 10:46 am on February 18, 2025
Electricity consumers will pay a fine of no less than N100,000 if they bypass their prepaid meters or engage in illegal connection, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission has said.

This was contained in an amended order on unauthorised access, meter tampering and y-pass released on Tuesday.

The fines range between N100,000 and N300,000, depending on the category the customer belongs to.

Maximum demand customers are to pay between 450 and 600 per cent of their last recorded energy consumption if caught in the act of energy theft.

According to the NERC, the Amended Order on Unauthorised Access, Meter Tampering, and By-pass replaces Order No: NERC/REG/41/2017 and has taken effect from January 22, 2025.

The regulator disclosed that the amendment aligns with the Electricity Act 2023 and the Customer Protection Regulations 2023, which allow distribution companies to disconnect unauthorised connections without notice and prescribe reconnection conditions.

The order, it was said, aims to reduce unauthorised access to electricity, meter tampering, and by-pass.

It is also to establish transparent reconnection guidelines to ensure compliance.

“Customers who bypass meters or gain unauthorised access must pay administrative charges (including meter replacement costs) and reconnection,” the order stated.

It emphasised that any customer who gains unauthorised access to electricity through tampering or meter by-pass will be reconnected upon payment of the administrative charges including meter replacement cost.

For non-maximum demand single-phase residential customers, the first offence attracts N100,000 and the subsequent offence attracts N150,000.

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